I can't believe my last post was over a month ago!
Well, ok I can totally believe it!
Jessie had her naming ceremony on Saturday at Q's synagogue and we've had family visiting since Thursday, which has been great. It was so wonderful to finally see Jessie with Q's parents and his brother and sister. This little baby is well loved.
We had a scare at three weeks when Jessie got sick and was in the hospital with a urinary tract infection and low white blood cell count as well as a virus. She recovered but has a condition known as VUR or urinary reflux. Most babies grow out of this but it has to be monitored carefully because it causes infections and can cause kidney damage.
I return to work on April 25th and that hangs over me like a dark cloud. Jessie has been enrolled in a cooperative daycare and this week is transitional week so we can ease into this big change starting tomorrow.
I've been out of work for seven months. The time on bed rest seems far away and like a bad dream. So much has changed!